الثلاثاء، 28 مايو 2013
الجمعة، 24 مايو 2013
EP13 - The Story of CougarTech - Part 2
راديو اسأل مطور الحلقة الثالثة عشر, في هذه الحلقة نكمل قصة نجاح شركة كوجرتك, و نتعرض بالتفصيل لنوع مختلف من
التحديات و هي تحديات البيئة المحيطة و الثقافة. و كيف تغلبنا عليها.
للاستماع للجزء الأول, اضغط هنا
للاستماع للجزء الأول, اضغط هنا
Welcome to the 13th episode of the Ask Developer Podcast, in this episode we continue the story of CougarTech, and we discuss in more details different type of challenges which are the environment & cultural
الاثنين، 20 مايو 2013
Ask Developer Hangout - 12 - Agile Software Development
- Introduction
- Waterfall classic software development lifecycle
- Iterative Approach.
- 2- Agile Software Development
- History of Agile
- Principles (for full list http://agilemanifesto.org/principles.html)
- Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software
- Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
- Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project
- Promoting self organizing team
- At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
- Pros & Cons
- Famous Processes
- Scrum
- XP (eXtreme Programming)
- Common Practices
- Pair Programming
- Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Small Teams
- Daily meetings
الجمعة، 17 مايو 2013
EP12 - The Story of CougarTech - Part 1
راديو اسأل مطور الحلقة الثانية عشر, في هذه الحلقة الخاصة نعود بالماضي لصيف عام 2003 و نتذكر شركة صغيرة بدأت في هذا التوقيت في قلب العاصمة المصرية و داخل أحد أكبار أسواق الالكترونيات و الأجهزة المحمولة, هذه الشركة الصغيرة بفريق من 6 أفراد أغلبهم لازالوا في الجامعة استطاعت أن تحقق نجاحاً متميزاً في وقت قصير جداً.
معنا في هذه الحلقة الفريق التقني و هم أحمد حسني, و محمد صالح و هشام عبد الحافظ و محمد الشريف.
Welcome to the 12th episode of Ask Developer Podcast, in this episode we go back in time to Summer 2003, and we remember a company that got founded in that time by 6 individuals, most of them are still university students, the company specialized in mobile software especially on Symbian devices which back then were the highest technology available on smartphones.
In this episode the 4 technical team members reunion to tell their story.
Team Members
Mohamed Saleh.
Over 10 years experiences in Mobile Applications.
Experiences in Symbian, J2ME Andriod and Blackberry
Working in many startups in mobiles fields.
Facebook: Mohamed Saleh

Hisham Abdelhafez
WebSphere Application Server & Portal for 5 years
Back to mobile development this year with IBM Worklight.
Google Plus: +Hisham Abd El-Hafez Eid
Facebook: Hisham Abdelhafez
Ahmed Hosny
Consultant Engineer.
Payment Industry. (MasterCard).
Symbian, J2ME, Android and iOS.
10 years of experience.
Google Plus: +Ahmed Hosny
Facebook: Ahmed Hosny
Have been working as a software developer for more than 8 years in various roles, and many different businesses, and feels home with the web platform and service oriented environments.
Worked in Microsoft in multiple teams including Microsoft AdCenter, Windows Azure Active Directory.
Currently working as Sr. Software Engineer in Hulu, LLC in Los Angeles, CA, USA
Worked in Microsoft in multiple teams including Microsoft AdCenter, Windows Azure Active Directory.
Currently working as Sr. Software Engineer in Hulu, LLC in Los Angeles, CA, USA
Google+: +Mohamed Elsherif
Twitter: @bashmohandes
Facebook: bashmohandesx
LinkedIn: Mohamed Elsherif
الأحد، 12 مايو 2013
Ask Developer Hangout - 11 - Software Development Career Path & General Discussion about Employment.
1- Introduction2- What are different career paths in technology and software development?
3- How to choose a career path?
4- Differences between different milestone in each career path, Junior, Senior ... etc
5- To code or to manage?
6- Employment advises
7- Interviews hints and tips
8- Story time, tell your story.
السبت، 11 مايو 2013
EP11 - NOSQL - Part 2
الحلقة الحادية عشر من راديو اسأل مطور, في هذه الحلقة نكمل حوارنا الشيق عن نظم التخزين الحديثة و نتعمق أكثر في الفروق بين النظم الحديثة و النظم العلائقية الكلاسيكية.
Welcome to the 11th episode of Ask Developer Podcast, in this episode we continue our discussion about NOSQL, and this time we dive deeper into the differences between NOSQL data stores and classical
Relational (RDBMS) databases.
Our theme music is provided by www.podcastthemes.com
السبت، 4 مايو 2013
Ask Developer Hangout - 10 - Javascript & Node.js
اللقاء الأسبوعي العاشر لمجموعة اسأل مطور, في هذا الأسبوع نناقش البرمجة بJavascript و نتطرق لموضوع node.js
Introduction and History for Javascript
The love & hate relationship between developers & javascript
Javascript on the client
Google Chrome V8 engine
Asynchronous IO benefits
EP10 - Ask Developer Podcast - NOSQL - Part 1
راديو اسأل مطور, الحلقة العاشرة, في هذه الحلقة نستعرض موضوع جديد و هو موضوع أنظمة التخزين الحديثة, و التي تتعدى مجرد قواعد البيانات الكلاسيكية, نتعرض بتفصيل لأسباب اللجوء لهذا النوع من تقنيات التخزين, و فوائده و عيوبه, و أشهر التقنيات التجارية في هذه الأيام
Ask Developer Podcast, Episode 10, in this episode we discuss the NOSQL subject, which challenges the traditional database models in the current web scale world, we discuss in details the motivations behind this
kind of technology, and the pros & cons of it.
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