اهلا بكم في الحلقة السابعة عشر من راديو اسأل مطور, في هذه الحلقة نستضيف "هيثم الفضيل" المؤسس و المدير التنفيذي لشركة كنجن, نناقش مراحل تطور الفكرة من البحث الى المشروع الى الشركة.

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You can find Haytham Elfadeel on
Twitter: @Hfadeel
LinkedIn : Haytham ELfadeel
Facebook: Haytam Elfadeel
Before conducting the survey, the interviewer first asked the teacher and supervisor to go away the classroom. The interviewer then explained to the topic the contents associated to moral issues and acquired the written consent of the topic within the examine. The inhabitants of original information was 1,717,911 center faculty college students and 1,839,732 highschool college students among the statistics supplied by the Educational Statistics Service as of April 2014. A sq. root proportional distribution was used to forestall the sample from having a sampling tipping impact by area within the sampling design stage. In the case of faculties with more than 25 college students per class, the likelihood proportional system technique 온라인 카지노 was used for the sample choice based on the type of|the sort of} faculty sector, sort of college, and coeducation. The major stratification variable for the survey was the realm the place the varsity was positioned.